Speak BRAVE Masterclass

Learn techniques to speak so people want to listen.
Build confidence in how you both phrase, and structure, your point of view.

Do You:

  • Want to speak so people will listen to what you have to say?
  • Feel as though you are not clear or direct and can waffle around a point?
  • Get frustrated when you have something important to say and end up either biting your tongue or flying off the handle?
  • Sometimes dominate the conversation, whilst also knowing it’s important to let the other person to speak up?
  • Want to speak up when conversations are more difficult? 

If yes, then…’Speak BRAVE Masterclass’ is for you!

  • Our aim is to make sure you leave with practical tools and techniques to enable you to speak up and find your words; whether you are having a difficult conversation or you simply need to say what’s on your mind.
  • You’ll leave the course feeling that you can do it, that you’re making progress and feeling brave as a result of being able to practise in a safe environment.

This is a 3 hour session, delivered virtually on Microsoft Teams.

What’s the session about?

The SPEAK BRAVE techniques will help you to communicate your point of view. At the same time, you’ll understand the power of being quiet and when to let others give their perspective.

What will we cover:

  1. Experience the power and joy of finding your words and your voice
  2. Manage your mindset, even when under pressure 
  3. Choose and use words that engage the other person
  4. Earn the right to speak. Take responsibility for your words and voice 

You will learn about our BRAVE principles: ‘Find your voice, own what you say’ AND ‘Take it seriously, not personally’.

You will learn how to speak up and how to ‘speak down’ (listen well). We also cover the power that comes from knowing when to apply each of those skills.

You will learn why our key mantra of ‘out loud, on purpose’ really helps!

What you Need to KNOW Before you Attend

  • It’s an interactive, virtual 3-hour session with an opportunity for you to apply the tools to your real-life situations
  • That means we will be asking you to contribute so make sure you’re able to do that in a way that’s best for you
  • Please be aware we’ll ask you to keep your camera on as much as possible.  It really helps the conversations, the group and the trainers 
  • We know it can be hard to speak up and be on screen with 100s of people, we keep the group size smaller for that reason

What you Need to do Before you Attend

  • Think about a recent situation where you wanted to speak up but simply didn’t know where to start. OR bring one where you dominated, but you really wanted the other person to speak
  • Think about what you wanted to say and the words you wanted to use, but maybe didn’t
  • Spend a bit of time thinking about the other person, what makes them listen (or switch off!)

We are Communication Experts With the Tools
You Need to Move Forwards

We are experts in understanding performance effectiveness and releasing the human potential in you, your organisation and your teams.

Our team are experts in transforming the decision-making culture in organisations. We help leaders, teams and individuals to break cycles, embrace change and ultimately, be BRAVER.

Sara Hickman CIPD

Myers Briggs, NLP, Insights, ILM Assessor

Rhiannon Baxter CIPD

NVQ4 L&D, BA (Honours) Drama with Psychology