Our BRAVE training team have the best job in the world
Lead by Sara Hickman and Rhiannon Baxter, our team of consultants have over 20 years of practical experience across various industries and in driving change.
Our BRAVE training team have the best job in the world
Lead by Sara Hickman and Rhiannon Baxter, our team of consultants have over 20 years of practical experience, across industries and directing change.

About the Team

We are experts in understanding performance effectiveness and releasing the human potential in you, your organisation and your teams.

Our team are experts in transforming the decision-making culture in organisations. We help leaders, teams and individuals to break cycles, embrace change and ultimately, be BRAVER.

Meet our BRAVE Experts

Sara Hickman

Director & Principal Consultant
Sara is known for her brave and infectious enthusiasm and people find it great to be around her. Sara has a gift for remaining objective and not judging others, even during heated discussions. She really is a breath of fresh air!

What people say about Sara: ‘Speak in such a way that others love to listen to you Listen in such a way that others love to speak’.

Rhiannon Baxter

Director & Principle Consultant
Rhiannon (Rhi) is thorough, considered, considerate and imaginative with an innate understanding of what it takes to do the right thing for people.

What people say about Rhi: ‘Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness, for it is in the moments that we apply kindness that our strength is revealed’.

Emma Bradbury

Emma has uncanny insight and uses that to create a deeper understanding for people. Emma gives people tangible steps to take and helps others to think more clearly. She’ll always leave you headed in the right direction.

What people say about Emma: ‘Live so that when others think of fairness and integrity, they think of you’.

Sara Hickman

Director & Principal Consultant
Sara is known for her brave and infectious enthusiasm and people find it great to be around her. Sara has a gift for remaining objective and not judging others, even during heated discussions. She really is a breath of fresh air!

What people say about Sara: ‘Speak in such a way that others love to listen to you Listen in such a way that others love to speak’.

Rhiannon Baxter

Director & Principle Consultant
Rhiannon (Rhi) is thorough, considered, considerate and imaginative with an innate understanding of what it takes to do the right thing for people.

What people say about Rhi: ‘Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness, for it is in the moments that we apply kindness that our strength is revealed’.

Emma Bradbury

Emma has uncanny insight and uses that to create a deeper understanding for people. Emma gives people tangible steps to take and helps others to think more clearly. She’ll always leave you headed in the right direction.

What people say about Emma: ‘Live so that when others think of fairness and integrity, they think of you’.

Jez Light

Jez has been designing, delivering and evaluating award winning learning materials and innovations for years. He supports us with creative learning solutions and he also manages our blog and social media presence.

Libby Minihan

Libby is a strategic management, leadership and team development specialist.

She is an empathetic yet challenging facilitator, with the ability to inspire trust in even the most sceptical learner. Our clients love working with Libby.

Mike Cork

Mike has worked in the Human Capital space for almost 20 years. Formerly a trainer and coach, including specialist projects at the Prime Minister’s Office, London, and in the Far East. With a background in Senior Management, he draws from broad business experiences to fully understand each client’s requirements before any recommendations or solution.

Victoria Barkway

Vic is part of our global network of amazing Associates. She is the founder of Bold Consultancy, delivering innovative training solutions to organisations in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands since 2011. Their ethos, values and approach align perfectly with what we do. Together, we are BOLD and BRAVE.

Lucy Lim

Lucy is part of our global network of Associates and is based in Perth, West Australia. Lucy is passionate about changing culture and empowering individuals to achieve success. Alongside studying for her Masters in Human Resource Management, she pursues her interest in Learning and Leadership Development in her personal time through her engagements in the NFP sector and other voluntary roles.

She is experienced in working across the mining, aviation, manufacturing, retail and professional services industries and her projects range from facilitating leadership development to values creation and embedding new leadership strategies.

Jez Light

Jez has been designing, delivering and evaluating award winning learning materials and innovations for years. He supports us with creative learning solutions and he also manages our blog and social media presence.

Libby Minihan

Libby is a strategic management, leadership and team development specialist.

She is an empathetic yet challenging facilitator, with the ability to inspire trust in even the most sceptical learner. Our clients love working with Libby.

Mike Cork


Mike has worked in the Human Capital space for almost 20 years. Formerly a trainer and coach, including specialist projects at the Prime Minister’s Office, London, and in the Far East. With a background in Senior Management, he draws from broad business experiences to fully understand each client’s requirements before any recommendations or solution.

Victoria Barkway

Vic is part of our global network of amazing Associates. She is the founder of Bold Consultancy, delivering innovative training solutions to organisations in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands since 2011. Their ethos, values and approach align perfectly with what we do. Together, we are BOLD and BRAVE.

Lucy Lim

Lucy is part of our global network of Associates and is based in Perth, West Australia. Lucy is passionate about changing culture and empowering individuals to achieve success. Alongside studying for her Masters in Human Resource Management, she pursues her interest in Learning and Leadership Development in her personal time through her engagements in the NFP sector and other voluntary roles.

She is experienced in working across the mining, aviation, manufacturing, retail and professional services industries and her projects range from facilitating leadership development to values creation and embedding new leadership strategies.