The Antidote for Fear is Curiosity #2

Fear and curiosity are like separate light switches in our brains — they cannot be on at the same time. 

When fear lights up, our curiosity dims; when curiosity takes over, our fear fades into the background. This clever dynamic gives us a powerful tool for managing fear….by making our curiosity just 1% stronger. And that takes bravery. 

The Science Bit. Fear and Curiosity

Fear is our evolutionary onboard warning system designed to protect us from danger. It’s deeply hardwired into our brains, especially in the amygdala, which triggers the fight-or-flight response when it senses a threat. 

On the other hand, curiosity — our desire to learn, explore, and understand — is driven by a different region of the brain like the prefrontal cortex, which handles higher-order thinking.

The fascinating thing is that these two states can’t coexist fully. When we are deeply curious, our brain shifts its focus from self discovery (fear) to discovery and learning. 

How to Make Curiosity 1% Stronger Than Fear
Imagine you’re about to step on stage to give a presentation. Your heart races, your palms sweat, and your mind floods you with thoughts of failure. This is fear taking the driver’s seat. But what if you could shift that energy toward curiosity? 

What if, instead of thinking, “What if I fail?” you asked, “I wonder what it will feel like to succeed?” or “What can I learn from this experience?”

By making curiosity just 1% stronger than fear, we create enough of a shift to open ourselves up to new experiences. 

Asking questions — especially questions that begin with “What if…?” or “How might…?” — can help reframe a fearful situation into an opportunity for discovery.

Or how about this alternative example? 

Imagine you’re heading into a potentially difficult conversation where there will be some disagreement. Naturally we can feel apprehensive and inevitably our fight or flight system will start to kick in. 

Getting curious about how you might feel in this situation and then consciously choosing a couple of thought out questions will become your next magic trick! When you Ask these questions it not only helps you to listen and gives you control of your fight or flight response but as a result, it also helps you to speak clearly and get your point across more effectively. Boom! 💥 

Bonus Tip: When we train this we always suggest it’s helpful to write down those questions because when faced with fear, our brain cannot always find the right words.

Here’s three simple steps to activate your curiosity in moments of fear:

Ask Open-Ended Questions
The next time fear strikes, counter it with questions that spark curiosity. Instead of asking, “What if it all goes wrong?” try asking, “What might happen if it goes right?” or “What new skills or experiences will I gain from this?” Open-ended questions steer your mind away from fear’s narrow focus and toward possibilities.

Be BRAVE & Show Up
Taking small steps toward the unknown can help build bravery. Even if you’re afraid, showing up to learn more about what scares you is a great first step. Attend that meeting, speak up, disagree or debate or simply ask someone to share their experience.

Develop Self Awareness 

Developing your self awareness of when fear or curiosity is in control is crucial. Learning to spot when your fear is in the driver’s seat is the first step. Once you notice it, you have the power to flip the switch by choosing curiosity.

When we choose curiosity over fear, we are being BRAVE. You’re choosing to expand your world rather than contract it. By choosing Curiosity it propels you into new territory, helping you grow, learn, and evolve.

Need more evidence? 

Think about it: Every significant innovation, discovery, or achievement in history was driven not by fear, but by a sense of wonder and a desire to know more. 

Fear might have kept us safe in the caves, but curiosity is what pushed us to explore, learn, and thrive into the world we have now. 

If you want to start flicking the curiosity switch more often and build your skills through BRAVE, get in touch and start the conversation today. 


The Antidote for Fear is Curiosity

Fear and curiosity are like separate light switches in our brains — they cannot be on at the same time. 

When fear lights up, our curiosity dims; when curiosity takes over, our fear fades into the background. This clever dynamic gives us a powerful tool for managing fear….by making our curiosity just 1% stronger. And that takes bravery. 

The Science Bit. Fear and Curiosity

Fear is our evolutionary onboard warning system designed to protect us from danger. It’s deeply hardwired into our brains, especially in the amygdala, which triggers the fight-or-flight response when it senses a threat. 

On the other hand, curiosity — our desire to learn, explore, and understand — is driven by a different region of the brain like the prefrontal cortex, which handles higher-order thinking.

The fascinating thing is that these two states can’t coexist fully. When we are deeply curious, our brain shifts its focus from self discovery (fear) to discovery and learning. 

How to Make Curiosity 1% Stronger Than Fear
Imagine you’re about to step on stage to give a presentation. Your heart races, your palms sweat, and your mind floods you with thoughts of failure. This is fear taking the driver’s seat. But what if you could shift that energy toward curiosity? 

What if, instead of thinking, “What if I fail?” you asked, “I wonder what it will feel like to succeed?” or “What can I learn from this experience?”

By making curiosity just 1% stronger than fear, we create enough of a shift to open ourselves up to new experiences. 

Asking questions — especially questions that begin with “What if…?” or “How might…?” — can help reframe a fearful situation into an opportunity for discovery.

Or how about this alternative example? 

Imagine you’re heading into a potentially difficult conversation where there will be some disagreement. Naturally we can feel apprehensive and inevitably our fight or flight system will start to kick in. 

Getting curious about how you might feel in this situation and then consciously choosing a couple of thought out questions will become your next magic trick! When you Ask these questions it not only helps you to listen and gives you control of your fight or flight response but as a result, it also helps you to speak clearly and get your point across more effectively. Boom! 💥 

Bonus Tip: When we train this we always suggest it’s helpful to write down those questions because when faced with fear, our brain cannot always find the right words.

Here’s three simple steps to activate your curiosity in moments of fear:

Ask Open-Ended Questions
The next time fear strikes, counter it with questions that spark curiosity. Instead of asking, “What if it all goes wrong?” try asking, “What might happen if it goes right?” or “What new skills or experiences will I gain from this?” Open-ended questions steer your mind away from fear’s narrow focus and toward possibilities.

Be BRAVE & Show Up
Taking small steps toward the unknown can help build bravery. Even if you’re afraid, showing up to learn more about what scares you is a great first step. Attend that meeting, speak up, disagree or debate or simply ask someone to share their experience.

Develop Self Awareness 

Developing your self awareness of when fear or curiosity is in control is crucial. Learning to spot when your fear is in the driver’s seat is the first step. Once you notice it, you have the power to flip the switch by choosing curiosity.

When we choose curiosity over fear, we are being BRAVE. You’re choosing to expand your world rather than contract it. By choosing Curiosity it propels you into new territory, helping you grow, learn, and evolve.

Need more evidence? 

Think about it: Every significant innovation, discovery, or achievement in history was driven not by fear, but by a sense of wonder and a desire to know more. 

Fear might have kept us safe in the caves, but curiosity is what pushed us to explore, learn, and thrive into the world we have now. 

If you want to start flicking the curiosity switch more often and build your skills through BRAVE, get in touch and start the conversation today. 


Why you need to review your business goals.

By now you’ll already know that regularly revisiting any business goals is crucial to ensure that your business remains on track and adapts to any unforeseen changes in the market. Everything changes at a rate of knots, so it’s rare to be chasing the exact same thing your forecasted over 6 months ago.

Reviewing business goals halfway through the year provides an opportunity to evaluate your performance, identify new challenges, recognise successes and most importantly take action where you need to.

Building in time for a reflection period allows you to make strategic adjustments, such as reallocating resources, revising budgets, provide training or coaching solutions or even to simply shift priorities to match the current state of play. A mid-year review also fosters accountability and motivation among your team, ensuring everyone is aligned with their objectives and a reminder of why they are doing what they do!

Ultimately, a mid-year review is about staying agile and responsive, setting your business up for success for the remainder of the year.

If you’ve recently done this and need training, coaching or other BRAVE interventions now is the time to reach out. BRAVE isn’t just about conflict resolution, we can help you challenge the status quo, change the norm and be BRAVE.

Not sure where to start?

You can take our FREE online personal or team assessment on our website to work out how BRAVE can help you.

Unlocking Potential with the Pygmalion Effect.

Imagine a teacher who truly believes in the potential of their students.

The interactions they display shows they holds high expectations, they communicate belief in their abilities, and invests time in their development. Surprisingly, more often than not, these students often rise to the occasion, performing better and achieving more.

This phenomenon is known as the Pygmalion Effect, a compelling demonstration of the power of expectations.

The Pygmalion Effect was studied in the educational context by Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson in the 1960s. In their seminal experiment, they informed teachers that certain students were likely to be “intellectual bloomers” based on fictitious test results. These students, randomly selected, showed significant academic improvement over the school year, purely because their teachers expected them to succeed and unconsciously provided more support and encouragement.

This effect isn’t limited to classrooms. In the workplace, managers who believe in the capabilities of their employees often see higher productivity and job satisfaction. Similarly, athletes who are expected to excel by their coaches frequently surpass their performance benchmarks. The underlying mechanism is simple yet profound: belief shapes behaviour. When we believe someone will succeed, our actions towards them—whether in providing feedback, opportunities, or emotional support—create a self-fulfilling prophecy.
We see this in action when we deliver our BRAVE programmes to our clients. The culture we create is high support & high challenge and this allows the delegates to feel safe and grow their potential.

Harnessing the Pygmalion Effect involves conscious effort. It requires you to recognise potential, provide encouragement, and create environments where high expectations are the norm. Whether you are a leader, a manager, a coach, or a parent, your belief in others can be a powerful catalyst for unlocking potential.

In essence, the Pygmalion Effect is a testament to the transformative power of positive expectations.
By believing in the potential of others, we don’t just predict the future—we help shape it.

If you’d like to start embracing the Pygmalion Effect into your business then get in touch with us.

We’d love to help. Click the contact button below.

Without People, we Are Nothing.

In the world of financial planning, where we are working with clients, helping them understand and achieve their goals, we are sometimes doing the people that work in our profession a disservice.

In my vast experience of working in different types of firms, with various teams and management styles, I’ve seen those that are happy stay with the same firm for years and show true dedication. I’ve also seen more people look at switching jobs as a challenge to be achieved because there are still a lot of bad practices – unfortunately, especially in small businesses.

I personally know the difficulties of managing a small business, but the key for business owners is not to take on everything yourself. Determine those non-negotiable things in the business, and looking after your people is one of those.

Rule #1: Look after your people

I’ve been part of financial planning teams for more than 10 years now, and this isn’t about the official team manager alone – great culture is created when everyone in a team looks after one another.

I’ve been on a number of sides within financial planning teams – a junior member of a team, a paraplanner, senior paraplanner, team manager, head of paraplanning, and now a business owner, managing the business and the paraplanning team. 

Now that I’m on the business ownership/management side, I believe even less that there’s a good “business” reason not to look after people. 

So often through the mentoring scheme that I created, we hear from administrators and paraplanners that they just aren’t being treated well. Exams and memberships not being paid for or supported by employers, no sick pay and a very limited amount of holiday are a small number of things that are grating on people in our profession at the moment.

As a business owner, I know all this comes at a cost, but if you truly want your business to be successful, looking after your people is key.

Obviously, a successful business looks different to each business owner – for me, I was to do some good in the world. We have engrained “happiness” as one of our key values because as much as I want to have a nice life for myself, I want it for others too. But we shouldn’t ignore that happier people are more productive and committed people. This is good for business! 

So, how do you look after your people?

The first and most important thing is for each team to have a specific person that is responsible for the people in that team. Responsible for their workload, productivity, wellbeing and general happiness at work. In my opinion, this person should be someone that understands the job those in the team are doing – if they have personal experience of the job, that’s even better, but having a good understanding of the actual tasks and skills involved, and the personality type of those doing the job, is important.

The other trait they need is to have an actual interest in other people’s well-being. For most people, they want to ensure they have an outlet, feel that they are being listened to and are progressing. For some, this looks like building skills or increasing pay; for others, it’s about continuing to balance work and life. Understanding how to relate to all of these needs is a tough job and should not be underestimated.

Having one-to-one meetings with every member of the team on a regular basis – in my opinion, monthly is best – is a good way to “look after” a team. This confidential and private space builds trust, but it does work on both sides. Team members also have a responsibility to show up and take charge of their own happiness and development. We talk about this a lot within mentoring, and the making your own development happen is powerful and something we can all do.

Rule #2: Treat your colleagues like your family

Although your team will never be your family (unless you are actually related), there’s no reason why they cannot be your friends. That said, not all of us need more friends, but let’s not forget that as social beings, the connection between us is needed for us to thrive. Anyone who has read around financial well-being will understand that all the data and research leads us to conclude that living and happiness is about human connection.

Rule #3: Caring about others costs nothing

Financially, that is true, although there is an emotional cost, which we shouldn’t ignore. We know that not everyone has a deep, caring nature, although it is true that, generally, humans are caring. How does this show up in a team? There is no job role that includes “caring” as a responsibility within our profession; however, with the right culture, this is part and parcel of everyone in the team. Caring about others touches so many parts of our professional lives, from booking a holiday or time off work, dealing with our workloads or challenging others’ opinions.

Finally, I will say that looking after people should always be a work in progress. Humans are complex beings with needs that constantly change over time due to life events, hormones, health, as well as social change, and keeping up with how all these things can affect people showing up at work is a tough job.

Keeping an open mind and continually learning is a great way to look after people. 

Sian Davies Cole

Navigating Cross-Cultural Communication

Guest Blog by Juliana Nogueira Mathew.

Where are you from? How do you greet each person when you arrive at social or work gatherings? Air Kiss on the cheek? Bow? Shake hands? What language do you speak?

Question for later…What does the thumbs-up gesture mean in your country? 

With technology facilitating instant connections all over the world and workplaces increasing diversity, interactions of people from different backgrounds have enabled the exchange of culturally different customs, norms, perspectives and communication styles. 

However, the lack of good communication can result in misunderstandings and even conflicts.  So, to enhance effectiveness in communication between cultures, improve mutual understanding and create a safe space for people to explore their differences, I brought three “whats” we can ask ourselves which can help us navigate through this intercultural journey: 

1. What is my communication style?

Who has never been in a situation where we felt left out for not quite understanding what was being said? Or got upset with a colleague for the way they said something or acted towards you? Or when we accidentally sent “the wrong message”, leaving the other person feeling extremely uncomfortable? 

Communication involves much more than the language we speak and how well we speak it. People’s language fluency has less importance in communication than we think. 

It’s always good to remember that life is not like a school test where you will be marked for every mistake you make (thankfully) – I tell myself this every time I use the wrong preposition in English (I still have trouble with that).

The objective of communication is to create meaning across different contexts through messages which we encode (when we send them) and decode (when we receive and interpret them). So, in cross-cultural communication, the coded information present in one culture might include a variety of specific meanings which might confuse or even upset another.

Non-verbal elements such as body language and differences in communication styles play an essential role in dictating how messages are delivered and help the receiver understand the message sent. However, it can differ a lot depending on the individual our group’s cultural background.  

Some examples of variations in communications styles between cultures, include: 

  • Directness 
  • Eye contact 
  • Tone, volume and speed of speech 
  • Emotional expressiveness 
  • Self-disclosure 
  • Formality

According to Think Cultural Health, “loud and expressive speech is often more common in African American, Caribbean, Latino, an Arab cultures” – as a Latina myself, I frequently see loud and expressive speech often happening over here – and “direct eye contact is considered rude in some Asian cultures”. Did you know that in some cultures smiling is seen as a diplomatic mechanism to facilitate relationships, while in others, it can be considered inappropriate (like when greeting a stranger). So interesting, hey?

Of course, there are always exceptions to any norms and when it comes to culture, it is no different. However, understanding how cultural patterns can influence how we express ourselves, even if unconsciously, it can help us understand more about our own unique communication styles and others people’s, improving our personal and professional cross-cultural relationships. 

2. What are my perspectives?

 We all have our own unique and different perceptions of the world, which are shaped not only by our cultural background, but by a combination of elements such as the way our brain processes information, our values, our emotions, our expectations and experiences throughout life.  

We all want to be in healthy and positive environments where we feel respected, listened to, and confident expressing ourselves, no matter where we are from. However, this sense of discomfort can sometimes derive from our own fear of not belonging or fitting in, and not from others. It’s all about our perspective on things.

In 2017, when I moved out of my birth country, Brazil, for the first time to Australia, I was having mixed feelings, from being extremely excited with this new challenge to silently panicking with the idea of facing the unknown. Over the years, I studied and worked in international organisations and met people from different parts of the world. I was also asked a few times about soccer – I think people expect me to love soccer just because I am from Brazil, which is not necessarily always the case – lucky for them I actually do. 

At the beginning I remember often feeling very self-conscious about my communication style and my ability to understand others (especially when they would use their unique Australian slangs). I would constantly be thinking if I was speaking English well enough, if the way I was saying things could give people the wrong impressions (like when I can be quite “expressive” when I talk and when I tend to go for big hugs even if I just met someone), or if people would be judging me because of my accent. What made me change perspectives was when I started listening more to people when they would come to me and tell me that I communicated very well (even though in my mind I didn’t). I needed to “get out of my own head”.

The biggest challenges people might face when communicating with people from different cultures is expressing themselves using their own communication style while having social awareness and paying attention to the impact that the way we communicate might have on others.

Do not let the fear of the unknown or people’s judgment interfere in how you show your unique self.

3. What can I do to get better?

Over time, I started building skills that would help me better understand about myself and what is (actually) essential in any good communication.

Self-awareness, adaptability, empathy, curiosity and active listening are a few of the (very important) skills involved not only in intercultural communication, but in life.  

Building these skills might not be easy at the start, but it is all about practice. Remembering that once they become part of how we interact with others, it can bring plenty of benefits to us individually or to the groups we are part of.  Problem-solving, creativity, innovation, decision-making and conflict resolution are just a few of them.  

Here are a few tips on how get better at communicating cross-culturally: 

  • REFLECT about your own biases,
  • ADAPT your communicate style when needed (be humble),
  • BE CLEAR of your objective and intention, 
  • FOCUS on the other person (not on yourself), 
  • LISTEN to the other person carefully, 
  • BE OPEN to different perspectives,
  • SHOW empathy (try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes) 
  • BE KIND. 

Ah, and the most important thing: don’t be afraid to be yourself. In the end, it doesn’t matter where we are from, what we experienced in life or how we see the world. We are all humans with unique backgrounds and stories that have the ability and opportunity to learn from others but also to enrich people’s lives with our own unique perspectives.  

Communication and Leadership

Intercultural communication can be hard and promoting mutual understanding requires constant work. Reflecting about our own perspectives, communication styles and what makes us unique, understanding more about other cultures as well as the reason behind other people’s behaviours and working on building key skills, will help us become better communicators and better leaders. 

By putting effort into communicating more effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds, we will be not only contributing to our own personal and professional growth but will also be facilitating safe spaces where effective intercultural communication is navigated with sensitivity, clarity and respect.

So, let’s get out of our comfort zones and acknowledge (and kick out) our biases to explore the world of possibilities that cross-cultural communication can provide – and the best thing: we can do this in the comfort of our homes.

Fun Fact! If you were curious about the thumbs-up gesture meanings, for most countries, it can be a sign of approval, but in others, (such as some parts of the Middle East), it has a very bad meaning, similar to showing your middle finger. Who knew…

Juliana Nogueira Mathew

How Can AI Help Learners of the Future?

The robots are coming…

We thought we’d jump on the Artificial Intelligence bandwagon and see what we could learn. Our guest blog writer is none other than Chat GTP4 themselves. 

We asked them to tell us how they could help learners of the future. This is what they told us (and it took them less than 20 seconds). 

Hey ChatGTP4, tell me how AI like you can help future learners?

As an AI language model, I can help learners of the future in a variety of ways. Here are a few examples:

Answering questions: I can answer questions on a wide range of topics, from history to science to literature. Learners can ask me questions to clarify their understanding of a concept, or to learn something new.

Providing personalized learning experiences: With the help of machine learning, I can understand a learner’s strengths and weaknesses, and provide personalized learning experiences to help them improve.

Language learning: I can help learners practice their language skills by providing real-time feedback on their grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

Creating educational content: I can generate educational content, such as quizzes, flashcards, and study guides, to help learners master a topic.

Recommending learning resources: I can recommend books, articles, videos, and other learning resources based on a learner’s interests and level of knowledge.

Overall, I can help learners of the future access knowledge and learn in new and innovative ways.

What do you think?

Will you be using AI to help you learn?

Speaking to Others – From My Perspective

I’m Alex Manners. I’m proud to be an Asperger’s Champion, a motivational speaker, TV & radio presenter & author. I’m focused, determined and have a lust for life. I consider myself lucky to have Asperger’s because I believe it will be the catalyst that allows me to “pursue my passions” and achieve my dreams!

I present talks on “My Life Living with Asperger’s” to many different companies, law firms, universities, schools and autism groups. I have presented talks to places such as Coca Cola, Linklaters, Viacom, Zurich Insurance and the Autism Shows across the UK. I have also written many articles and had many TV & Radio interviews on my Asperger’s, Presented my own children’s radio show for two years, have started my own “Autism & Football” campaign, appeared on series 10 & 11 of “The Undateables” on Channel 4 and written my own book.

Presenting live talks

Presenting talks in in front of hundreds of people would be daunting for most individuals! My grandma once said that she would not be able to eat for a week if she had to present a live talk. However, I absolutely love presenting talks all about my Asperger’s, whether online or face to face. I am never nervous and like to look upon this ability as one of my ‘Asperger’s Superpowers’.

I was diagnosed with Asperger’s when I was 10 years old and have been presenting talks all about “My Life Living with Asperger’s” for the past three or four years. Before covid hit the UK I had never presented an online talk before. Suddenly that was about to change.

Online v face to face

At first, I found working online a challenge as I missed meeting people, travelling the UK and going on adventures. One of the most difficult things was that I could not see the reactions of people during a talk. I could therefore not gauge how a talk was going until the end. If I am being honest, I was only presenting talks online due to covid so I was in a pretty stressful place anyway.

Now I am presenting nearly all of my talks online and I have grown to love working in this way. Firstly, I can reach lots more people from all over the world. I am not limited to how many people can fit in a room so can essentially speak to as many people as I like. When presenting face to face talks, I can only fit one or maybe two in a day due to the logistics of travel. Now I can present up to five talks a day. I can also work from home, in my own office, in an environment totally suited to my needs.

Travel and public transport

However, the best thing about working online is that I don’t have to travel. Traveling can be the most challenging part about my work. What happens if one of my trains is delayed or what do I do if I lose my ticket. These are just some of the worries I have. Also, lots of people with Asperger’s struggle in busy environment and with certain sounds and smells. So, not having all of these travel worries is fantastic.

My advice

When presenting an online talk, I always make sure that I log in 10-15 minutes early. This gives me time if something goes wrong. I also ensure that I have a spare laptop, phone or device I can use should my main laptop stop working. My biggest worry Is always with the Wi-Fi. Luckily, I have never had a problem with my Wi-Fi yet during a talk. Our neighbours have a different internet provider and they have very kindly agreed that should our Wi-Fi stop working I can always go and work or present a talk in their house. So, having back up plans is really important.

When I am travelling to a venue by train, I always ensure that I get the train before the one I need. It is better to arrive early than be worried about being late! Another thing I always do, is print off any tickets. This is encase I have no Wi-Fi on my phone or my phone runs out of battery. I also print of my directions and times of each train. What I try to do is minimise an many possible problems as I can.

When I am presenting a talk, I always pretend that I am speaking to my parents in the living room. If there is something or someone I am familiar with then I can always focus on them during my talk. I also ensure that I can always see a clock. This helps me to dictate the timings of my talk.

What if you deliver a training session and a delegate has Asperger’s?

When you are speaking to somebody with Asperger’s there are a few things that you can do. Explain things in as much detail as you can, avoid using any idioms, phrases or sarcasm, give them more time to answer a question and don’t worry if they are not giving you any eye contact. Also, if you are asking them questions then closed questions are always better for us than open questions.

Always have a quiet space that the individual can use if they need a short break or if they become a little stressed. Adapting the environment is also very important. So, if they don’t like sitting near a clock due to the ticking noise then allow them to sit further way from the clock. If you know this individual will be present before the training starts, then send them over as much information about the training as you can beforehand. Include the structure of the session and any photos of the room or location. When sending over this information, it may be a good time to ask them about any adjustments that can be made to help them on the day.


Whilst having Asperger’s can be a challenge, it is also something that I look upon as a positive. Being able to start my own business and present talks in front of large audiences is definitely two of those positives or ‘Asperger’s Superpowers’. I never feel nervous speaking in front of large numbers of people and am very brave to be able to share my story to educate and inspire others. I also feel extremely lucky to have been able to manage my Asperger’s over the past 25 years. Because Asperger’s is a lifelong condition it will continue to pose many challenges. But those positive elements are the things I like to focus on every day. If I did not have Asperger’s, then I would not be Alex Manners.

If you want to achieve something in life and have the drive, determination and ‘never give up’ attitude, then I believe you can achieve anything.

Want to learn more about me or Asperger’s?

Grab a copy of my book, “That’s Not Right! My Life Living with Asperger’s” on Amazon in paperback or kindle.

My Website:

Overcoming a Creative Block.

The infamous creative block.  

That moment when you receive a new client brief with vague information, huge expectations, next-to-no budget and an unrealistic deadline. The time is 9.01. The first coffee hasn’t even scratched the surface of your functioning caffeine threshold. You know it’s time to get creative with your response. But the cogs in that space between your ears just aren’t functioning. You start to feel tense. Your heart starts racing. It’s fight or flight.  

Sound familiar? *Gulp* 

Okay, so I may have exaggerated some of those points, but that’s the creative block in a nutshell. It’s an unpleasant experience, to say the least, and one that as a Creative, you want to avoid at all costs. Working in a fast-paced creative communications agency has helped me pick up a few nifty tips and tricks that give me creative inspiration to prevent such ‘blockage’ (ew), which I’m going to share with you – being the generous person that I am. 
Buckle up, grab a brew and hang in tight. Here’s my four top tips for creative inspiration… 

One: Idols 

Idols. We all have them, but what about idols specifically within the creative industry? That’s a whole new kettle of fish. Having creative idols that produce and create works that amaze you can be hugely inspirational. Artists, sculptors, designers, art directors, photographers, you name it. There are so many inspirational figures out there in the field of creativity that can inspire your next project or proposal with their work. For me personally, it’s Virgil Abloh, the founder of clothing giant Off-White and Creative Director of the Luxury fashion house Louis Vuitton, and Daniel Arsham, sculptor, artist, visionary and Porsche 911 enthusiast, both of whom have a huge social following. But your inspiration could be any creative person, big or small. My challenge to you: pick up to three creatives within the industry that you’re interested in following. Once or twice a week, have a browse of their social handles and websites, or if you know them personally, why not get in contact? Keep track of what new weird and wonderful ideas they’re generating and see if you can unpick any elements of them to inspire the creative idea for your project. 

Two: Exercise 

You may be cursing at me from behind your laptop screen at the fact I’m suggesting you exercise to be more creative. “How will exercise improve my levels of creativity?”, I hear you ask. Well, there’s actually science behind it; just earlier this year, author and health/fitness reporter Gretchen Reynolds reported a scientific discovery that found “active people come up with more and better ideas during tests of their inventiveness than people who are relatively sedentary.”  
In my own experience, I’ve found that taking up running has been hugely beneficial not only to my physical and mental wellbeing, but also great for generating creative ideas too, as my mind isn’t clouded by other thoughts and worries when I’m channelling my focus on exercise. Why don’t you give it a try in your spare time and see what creative ideas come to you? 

Three: Smart scrolling 

It can be easy to lose an hour or more with what was meant to be a ‘5-minute thumb scroll’ on your phone. What I’m proposing is ‘smart scrolling’, which is exactly what it sounds like… be smart with your scrolling. How does it work? Simply swap out the mindless scrolling through photos of your mates out on the weekend for content that will inspire you creatively. Hop onto YouTube and check out the latest film trailers and music videos. What techniques did the film crew apply? What was done in the edit suite that made the content exciting and engaging to watch? How was the thumbnail designed to draw you in? By re-framing the purpose of your social scrolling, you can be smart with your time and be both entertained and creatively inspired simultaneously. The same applies to the Ads that bombard you online. Think about why they were shown to you specifically, what the key call-to-action was, how the copy was laid out and what colours were chosen to grab your attention. Next time you scroll, try this technique and, if you want to go a step further, why not add your findings to a Pinterest boardor scrapbook folder on your desktop to save for a rainy day when those creative cogs aren’t turning? 

Four: And breathe… 

This final top tip may seem ridiculously obvious but it’s crucially important. This is all about time; give yourself enough time and breathing space to allow those amazing creative ideas to develop. Brilliant concepts need time and space to flourish, so make sure you budget enough time to allow for this. A great technique is booking ‘focus time’ in your diary: where you don’t have any meetings, don’t accept unimportant incoming calls or emails and can focus solely on developing the creative idea. Another is taking regular breaks throughout the day, where for a short period of time you switch your focus to a completely different activity. It’s an opportunity to recharge and refuel so that you have a clear mind to come back, boss your brief and create something amazing. 
… And that’s it! My top four tips that almost anyone can do in their spare time to keep their creativity ticking along in the background, always on standby for when that challenging brief lands in their inbox, ready to create a wow-worthy response.  
If you stayed to read the whole article, here’s a bonus feature from me to say thank you… 

Extra tips: Useful websites for inspiration 

Ruan Sarris 
Creative at DRPG, creative communications group 

Taking the Leap in Pandemic Times.

Who would have thought starting a new job in the middle of a global pandemic would have been a good idea? For many people it made sense to just stay put. Well, I’m not many people and it turns out, in my case it was totally the right decision for me. I have zero regrets.

Back in March 2021 I took the leap and started in a new learning & development role at the global phenomenon that is Gymshark.

I’d luckily had a great head start in L&D, and I had already started to fall in love with helping others learn and develop. But this time, a new job, in a pandemic, in a completely new environment, and a new company, and a new sector with a very new style and most terrifying of all. New people. You’re probably starting to get my drift!

Tackling the nerves.

My biggest nerves before starting my new role were not being able to forge those all-important connections which set you up for success in the organisation. How on earth was this going to work when I was at home, and they were on a screen?

By the end of my first day, these thoughts didn’t even cross my mind. You quickly begin to forget how you’re working & building relationships with people you’ve never met in real life. Virtual communications saved the day and helped me go from nerves to excitement and engagement.

Onboarding in a virtual world.

The key message of the onboarding process was to take your time, understand the business & get to know your team. This, along with plenty of introductions, catch-ups & virtual tea-breaks created a platform for these connections to grow. Now, with me being nearly 5 months into the role, I can say with 100% confidence that the rapport that has developed is some of the strongest I’ve ever had in a work environment, and for me, is quite literally priceless.

The best bits about starting a job during lockdown are all the perks that come along with working from home. No commute, flexible hours and all that jazz. What I found added the greatest value in my induction period was having more time to digest all the information that is heading your way when you’re the new boy. It really helped me to ensure that I had time to really ‘get it’.

Unexpected benefits.

An unexpected (yet golden benefit) was meeting people with one added extra. Their names were in the bottom corner of each screen making it easy for me…and meant no awkward forgotten name moments.

However, I wasn’t complaining when URL transitioned into IRL. I was amazed by Gym Shark HQ. The building, the workspaces…and don’t even get me started on REFUEL the amazing in-house food and drink hub. The first day in the office really solidified my comfort in my decision & my role.

Culture makes it work.

The culture at Gymshark is just as you expect; authentic, honest & ever evolving. For me, the most monumental part of the Gymshark culture is ‘fail fast’. Feel safe in the environment which you’re in, so much so that you’re happy to make mistakes. This helps us learn and evolve. This one has been key ?.

My advice?

In summary, and not to steal some other sporting companies’ strapline, just do it.

You will always have nerves, you will always have self-doubt, but for me, I found it the best time to make my leap, supported by strong inductions, an incredible culture, and the benefits of working at home, and then in a hybrid role. Embrace it. Absorb it. Enjoy it.