The Importance of Having Brave Conversations

In the world of business, and increasingly in our personal lives too, learning to have brave conversations is crucial for genuine connection and growth.

These conversations—marked by honesty, vulnerability, and courage—are vital for personal development, healthy relationships, and meaningful change.

As part of our BRAVE Conversations module we focus on these skills, and many more to equip you with the skills and behaviours you need to do it well.

We’re passionate that when you learn the skills of BRAVE Conversations it can only create positive action. Whether you use it at work with your boss or a team member, or you’re using the skills for a tough conversation with a parent or a best friend, we know the extra benefits you’ll gain are worth it.

Here’s just a few reasons we think BRAVE Conversations are so important.

They Build Trust and Deepen Relationships

BRAVE conversations foster trust. When you’re honest and open with others, you create a safe space for mutual understanding and respect. This deepens relationships, making them more authentic and resilient.

Being BRAVE Promotes Personal Growth

Facing difficult topics head-on encourages self-reflection and growth. It challenges you to confront your fears, biases, and assumptions, leading to greater self-awareness and personal development.

Bravery Drives Positive Change

Whether in personal relationships or in the workplace, BRAVE conversations are catalysts for change. They address issues that need resolution, facilitate problem-solving, listening skills, decision making and handling disagreements. They pave the way for improvement and innovation.

Being BRAVE Enhances Emotional Intelligence

Engaging in BRAVE conversations hones your emotional intelligence. These are skills we can all work on. It requires empathy, active listening, and the ability to identify and then manage your emotions in a way that works best for the situation you’re in.

BRAVE Conversations Cultivate a Culture of Openness

In organisations, and in relationships, BRAVE Conversations contribute towards a culture of openness and transparency. They encourage team members to share ideas, speak up, provide feedback, make informed decisions and collaborate effectively, leading to a more dynamic and inclusive environment.

Approach these conversations with empathy and an open mind. Remember, the goal is not to win but to understand and be understood.

Starting a BRAVE conversation can be daunting, but it begins with a willingness to be vulnerable. We have some really easy to follow Quick Tips on our Instagram Account – @wearebraverebels

If you think we can help you on an Open Workshop, or a team in a business session then reach out and we’d be happy to book in a time to chat with you.

The Power of Pivoting

The Power of Pivoting: Embracing a BRAVE New Direction

When we decided to add a new dimension to We Are BRAVE we knew it was the right thing to do, but that didn’t mean it didn’t come with a lot of thought!

Those are just some of the questions we pondered before we came to the decision that in life, and in business, the path forward is not always a straight line. Sometimes, the most powerful and transformative decision you can make is to pivot and change direction and embrace new opportunities.

That led us to add in several new streams of business. We added Open Workshops for both businesses and individuals, created a new Individual Readiness Assessment and created our BRAVE journals. Phew…now we need a lie down!

We thought it might make sense to show you why we believe that the power of the pivot is underrated!

Pivoting Opens New Opportunities

Pivoting allows you to explore new avenues and opportunities that might not have been fully visible before. By changing direction, you can discover new passions, hidden talents, and unique possibilities that align with your goals and values.

Pivoting Fosters Resilience

Embracing a pivot requires bravery and adaptability. This process builds resilience, teaching you to handle uncertainty and setbacks. The ability to pivot strengthens your problem-solving skills and prepares you for future challenges. Staying as you are is an option, but a life without change can get very stale.

Pivoting Encourages Growth and Learning

Taking a new direction often involves learning new skills and acquiring fresh knowledge. This continuous learning process keeps you engaged and motivated, fostering both personal and professional growth. It’s a dynamic way to keep evolving in an ever-changing world. We live by these principles and they’ve helped us to embrace the power of the pivot.

Pivoting can Align with Your True Self

Sometimes, your initial path may not reflect our true desires or values. Sometimes we have to go where the money takes us, or the business needs to be. Pivoting allows you an opportunity to realign with what genuinely matters to you. It’s a courageous step towards authenticity, ensuring your actions and goals get another chance to be included in what you do.

Pivoting Enhances Creativity and Innovation

Pivoting definitely pushes you out of your comfort zone (we certainly felt like that for a little while!) It does this by encouraging innovative thinking and creative solutions. By stepping into that unfamiliar territory, you often challenge yourself to think differently and this can help you develop unique approaches to new situations.

Pivoting Can Start with One Step

Pivoting can be intimidating, but it starts with a simple step. Evaluation. By reflecting and acknowledging that any change is a natural part of growth. Assess your current situation, identify where you want to go, and take the first small, yet deliberate step towards your new direction.

Surround yourself with supportive individuals who can offer guidance and encouragement. That one can make or break a pivot!

Remember, the power of pivoting lies in the bravery to take control of your journey. Embrace the change, trust the process, and unlock the potential that comes with every new direction you choose to take.

Sara & Rhi

Journaling: Unlocking the Power of Self Reflection

Journaling is way more than just putting pen to paper; or fingers to keyboards, it’s a powerful tool for personal growth and self-reflection.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, the practice of journaling can profoundly impact your mental, emotional, and even physical well-being.

Our We Are BRAVE Journal contains the prompts and content to guide you through your personal journey. Here’s five key benefits of incorporating journaling into your daily routine:

Get a Boost to your Mental Clarity

Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help clear your mind. Journaling can organise your thoughts, making it easier to understand and process them. This clarity allows you to make more informed decisions and tackle problems with a fresh perspective. A fresh outlook.

You Can Reduce Your Stress and Anxiety

Journaling provides a safe outlet to express your emotions. By putting your worries and fears on paper, you can gain a sense of relief and control. This process helps reduce stress and anxiety, allowing you to manage your emotions more effectively.

It Can Boost Your Creativity

Engaging in regular journaling can ignite your creativity. The act of writing freely, without the pressure of structure or form, encourages the flow of ideas. This creative freedom can lead to new insights and innovative solutions in various aspects of your life. Just write and enjoy!

It’s Known to Promote Self-Reflection and Growth

Journaling is a form of self-dialogue that promotes introspection. By reflecting on your experiences, thoughts, and behaviours, you can often gain a deeper understanding of yourself. This self-awareness fosters personal growth and helps you recognize patterns that you might want to change or develop further. Our Individual Readiness Assessment also helps you with this, and it’s free!

Journaling Strengthens Emotional Intelligence

Regular journaling helps you become more in tune with your emotions. By articulating your feelings and experiences, you can better understand and manage your emotional responses. This practice enhances emotional intelligence, improving your relationships and interactions with others. EQ is now an identified leadership characteristic.

But how do I even get started?

Starting a journaling practice is simple. Choose a time each day to write—morning or evening works well for many people. Don’t worry about grammar, spelling or structure; the goal is to express yourself freely. You can begin with prompts such as “Today I feel…” or “Something I’m grateful for is…”

Remember, journaling is a personal journey. There’s no right or wrong way to do it. The key is consistency and openness. Embrace the process, and you’ll soon discover the benefits journaling can bring to your life.


Embracing the Courage to Self Assess

Taking time to pause and self-assess can be a brave and transformative act. Self-assessment involves looking inward to evaluate your current state—emotionally, mentally, professionally, and personally. It’s about facing your truths, acknowledging your achievements, and identifying areas for growth.

Let us tell you why we think Self-Assessment matters.

Clarity and Direction

Self-assessment helps you gain clarity on where you stand and where you want to go. It allows you to set realistic goals and develop a roadmap for achieving them.

Personal Growth

Understanding your strengths and weaknesses is essential for personal development. By recognising areas where you can improve, you pave the way for continuous growth. We can help you with this via our open workshops.

It Creates Empowerment

Taking charge of your self-assessment process puts you in control of your narrative. It empowers you to make informed decisions and take proactive steps toward your aspirations.

Overcomes the Fear

Self-assessment can be intimidating. It requires honesty and vulnerability, which can be uncomfortable.

Be kind to yourself when you do it. Be BRAVE and dig deep when answering.

Remember, self-assessment is not about perfection; it’s about progress. Embrace the courage to look inward, and you’ll find that the journey of self-discovery is one of the most rewarding paths you can take.

Get started here:

You can complete our Individual Self Assessment here, and it’s totally free with personal results emailed direct to your inbox.

The Benefits of Open Workshops

Learn more about the benefits of joining Open Training Workshops

In today’s fast-paced world, we recognised that continuous learning is essential for personal and professional growth. But there was a flaw in our plan…

Our incredible programmes were only available to businesses and teams and after almost every session we’d always be asked

We took this on board and came up with a bespoke selection of content that we knew could work for individuals, as well as teams and one deciding factor for us was that we could finally run them as open workshops.

For us, open training workshops offer a unique and accessible way to enhance your skills, expand your knowledge, and connect with like-minded individuals.

Here’s 5 compelling benefits of participating in open workshops:

1. You can enhance your skills

Open training workshops are designed to help you acquire new skills or improve existing ones. Whether you’re looking to learn a new habit, master a professional technique, or learn something from scratch these workshops provide hands-on experience and practical knowledge that you can immediately apply.

2. They encourage networking

Attending open training workshops allows you to meet and interact with a diverse group of people who share your interests. These connections can lead to new friendships, professional relationships, and even potential job opportunities. Networking in such settings often leads to collaborations and knowledge sharing that can be beneficial long after the workshop ends.

3. Meet the experts

Workshops are typically led by industry experts or experienced practitioners who bring a wealth of knowledge and insights. This exposure allows you to learn best practices, gain new perspectives, and stay updated on the latest trends and developments in your field. A skilled trainer will make your learning stick, whether face to face or virtual and leave you with simple easy to implement tools.

4. You can boost your motivation & confidence

Learning in a group setting can be highly motivating. The structured environment, along with the encouragement from instructors and peers, can boost your confidence. Successfully completing a workshop often provides a sense of accomplishment, inspiring you to pursue further learning and challenges.

5. Flexibility & accessibility

Open training workshops are designed to be accessible to a wide audience. They are available in various formats—online, in-person, or hybrid—making it easy to find a workshop that fits your schedule and learning style. This flexibility ensures that continuous learning is within reach, regardless of your personal or professional commitments.

6. It’s bespoke to you!

The huge benefit of open workshops is that they can be bespoke for individual learning needs, and are much easier for L&D budgets to accommodate for one person when it’s needed.


To get started, you can register your interest in open workshops and the topics that interest you the most by clicking the WAITLIST link in blue below:

We’d love to see you on a session soo!


Wait List